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Chilli Paste

  • Product Code : 01
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Cooking Paste

  • Product Code : 03
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Fish Paste

  • Product Code : 04
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Tomato Paste

  • Product Code : 05
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With this Indian Cooking Paste, you can make Indian curries quickly and easily. This paste is simple, yet it has all of the essential flavor elements for an Indian curry. It's simple to create and comes in useful on hectic days. This is frequently prepared ahead of time for real use and is frequently preserved for future use. Indian Cooking Paste is currently available in chili paste, flavored chutney, and cooking paste. It is a semi-liquid colloidal suspension, emulsion, or aggregation that may be employed in cooking or consumed as a spread. This paste is very effective as well as economical to use.

"Accepting orders above 1 Ton."
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